Tracking Device API


The Tracking Device API is a unified interface to post or request information about tracking devices. Usually a tracking device is a vehicle, which needs to be registered to our platform before you can feed GPS data to other endpoints. A tracking device can be used to track a truck, but can be a trailer or any other moving object. For this guide we only track GPS data, but a device could be able to track other data as well, like heading, temperature, engine running or doors open/closed.


Register (or update) a tracking device

As mentioned before, we are first going to register a tracking device on the Simacan Platform. We can do this by sending a small payload to the baseURI in either a PUT or POST request method.


A small word of caution: if your externalDeviceId is already known on our platform, we will update its record


Below is an example payload you could send:

  "externalDeviceId": "1234",
  "externalSystemId": "fms-janszoon_transport",
  "active": true,
  "carrierCode": "",
  "customerDeviceId": "",
  "licensePlate": "AB-12-CD",
  "driverName": "Harry de Vries"

In this example the externalDeviceId indicates the unique Id as used on your own platform; active can be set to true or false to indicate if the device is in use. And carrierCode is the unique identifier for your carrier account, which you should obtain from Simacan.

Send it

The next example will only work, if you obtained a bearer token from our Auth API. Include this in the header. Here we post to the staging URL

curl -d "{
        \"externalDeviceId\": \"1234\", 
        \"externalSystemId\": \"fms-janszoon_transport\", 
        \"active\": true, 
        \"carrierCode\": \"\", 
        \"customerDeviceId\": \"\", 
        \"licensePlate\": \"AB-12-CD\", 
        \"driverName\": \"Harry de Vries\" }" 
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyXXX"
    -X POST -i

Now let’s check if we successfully registered our first device


If everything went fine, you should receive an HTTP status code 200 OK and a body which looks like this

Incorrect definitionId: "trackingdevice"

Great! You’ve just successfully registered your first device on our platform.

API Marketplace

For a more detailed reference on the Tracking Device API, visit our API Marketplace