The Carrier Planning API enables you to update a part of the transport planning for a trip and add optional eCMR delegation
The planning endpoint enables you to update the transport planning for a trip and add optional eCMR delegation.
An important notice: all data in the message will be visible to all parties with access to the planning of the specific trip
For the ecmrDelegate
field, the subaccount value should be equal to the formatting as known at the e-CMR-provider. Any updates to the field, will revoke the previous assigned subaccount delegations by Simacan.
When the ecmrDelegate
value is left empty or is absent, we will try to delegate based on licensePlateTractor
, however we prefer that you explicit fill the value for ecmrDelegate
The post message was successfully processed.
The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. Possible causes are invalid XML or invalid parameters. An accompanying error message will explain further.
The request was not accompanied by valid credentials
Either the trip, carrier or shipper could not be found in our platform.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <tripPlanning xmlns=""> <tripId>800099</tripId> <timestamp>2023-10-31T04:43:00.000+02:00</timestamp> <driver>William de Vries</driver> <fuelType>EURO_6_DIESEL</fuelType> <licensePlateTractor>TE-ST-02</licensePlateTractor> <tractorType>TREKKER</tractorType> <customer>peterson</customer> <subcontractor>jansson</subcontractor> <trailers> <trailer> <trailerId>KDZ-Opl1</trailerId> <licensePlate>KDZ-Opl1</licensePlate> <trailerType>EURO_13_60_KOEL</trailerType> </trailer> <trailer> <trailerId>KDZ-Opl2</trailerId> <licensePlate>KDZ-Opl2</licensePlate> <trailerType>EURO_13_60_KOEL</trailerType> </trailer> </trailers> <customerData> <customerDataItem> <name>Plan Group</name> <value>Fast Moving</value> </customerDataItem> </customerData> </tripPlanning>
{- "detail": "Entity of type shipper was not found for `unknown_shipper'.",
- "title": "notFound",
- "entity": "shipper",
- "status": 404